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Encountering “401 Unauthorized” Error When Performing User Lookup in Evolve


401 unauthorized error while lookp up user in Evolve

Works with Evolve 20x


The issue is related to the “Client Secret Key Value” which I might think it got expired or they have entered the wrong value.

Client Secret -– This is the client secret from the SAML Application page that was created.


Solution Steps:

  1. Access the Azure application.
  2. Navigate to the “Certificates & secrets” section in the left menu of the Azure application. Refer to the attached PNG image titled “Client secret.”
  3. Click on “New client secret” to create a new secret key.
  4. Copy the generated value of the newly created secret key.
  5. Log in to the Evolve application as an Administrator.
  6. Go to the Settings section and select Authentication, then choose SAML.
  7. Click on “Edit” and proceed to the next step.
  8. In the Client Secret field, paste the copied key.
  9. Restart the IIS server to ensure the changes take effect.

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