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Supporting Document Removed After Script Modification in Evolve


Submitting a Solution to Evolve without Data Review and the Impact on Supporting Documents

  1. Submitting a solution into Evolve with no data review and a supporting document:

    • Open the solution in Studio from Evolve, where the supporting document is accessible.
  2. Modifying the script (e.g., changing the mapping):

    • Make the necessary changes to the script.
  3. Re-submitting the modified script into Evolve:

    • After re-submitting the modified script, it is observed that the supporting document is no longer available.

This indicates that when a script is modified and re-submitted into Evolve, the supporting document associated with the previous submission is not retained.

Works with Evolve


As design (no more SharePoint with Evolve)

Immediate Workaround:

– Submit a solution into Evolve with no data review + supporting document

– Open the solution in Studio from Evolve –> supporting document available

– Download the supporting document (s)

a) in Studio



– Change the script (ex: the mapping)

– Re-submit the script into Evolve with the same supporting document(s)

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